The Australian Cricket Pathway is a whole of sport framework. It supports the development of cricketers at all levels and allows for the establishment of associated competitions to deliver desired skill outcomes.
The Australian Cricket Pathway supports the development of cricketers at all levels and allows for the establishment of associated competitions to deliver desired skill outcomes.The Australian Cricket Pathway is highly inclusive. Cricketers of all abilities, male or female, young or old are embraced by the focus on learning and skill. The ability to integrate lifestyle, participation and elite performance is central to the framework.
The Australian Cricket Pathway will help Queensland Cricketers navigate their journey through various competitions and programs. This journey has previously been a costly and complicated process for many players. Cricket Australia and Queensland Cricket (QC) will support identified players (12-18 yrs) to transition from club cricket to representative cricket in a clear and affordable way.The aim of the Australian Cricket Pathway is to support all cricketers. It provides talented and dedicated cricketers the chance to realise their potential, help form strong competitive Queensland teams and hopefully one day don the baggy green.
Queensland Cricket has finalised the male & female pathway that will come into effect this season. Those interested in being involved in representative opportunities should contact their Association’s Junior Director of Coaching, or their Regional QLD Cricket Coaching and Talent Specialist.